A new concept History The first computers were calculating machines like IBM or the famous Turing Enigma. The emergence of Microsoft’s Multiplan spreadsheet created a revolution by allowing everyone, to not only perform calculations (formulas and macros) but also use a "sheet" to organize and back up data. Today, most users do not employ the possibilities of calculation, but use spreadsheets, in order to visualise, edit and transmit simple data. These are the ones we want to address here. Where is the problem? The power and complexity that make Excel a formidable computing tool constitute a disadvantage for its ease of use by novices in industry. Data sharing between multiple users, safeguarding and traceability of operations are problematic. Yet these two aspects are essential in modern companies, in addition to macros aimed at experts. Innovation Document sharing, through an intranet or over the Cloud is fashionable, you need a clear alternative to Office 360 and Google Doc. Having listened to users, we have designed, an extremely simplified Excel which brings the same benefits as specialized software. We called it SODA, for ‘Social Data’. SODA, a professional software In its basic version, it allows to recover Excel data in 3 clicks and share them simply. Better than in Excel, you get to sort and search functions in 2 clicks. Like in Excel, you can easily import and export. In its advanced version, it includes all types of data processing: filtering, complex querying, reading and writing of barcodes, document printing, web publishing, smartphone access, etc. There is no limit to the transforming your SODA into a powerful software adapted to your needs. Immediate handling In seconds you'll know how to simply and effectively handle data via our interface. Then you can simply get your work into an Excel workbook to share among your network! The pdf file on the help button will help you understand the functions of the software. An unlimited range of applications Whatever your business, you have address lists, inventory positions, inventories, entry forms to circulate among people who are more or less prepared and trained. SODA allows simultaneous data access and keeps track of all accesses. Daily backup is automatic. GTIN: 3701250900054 100.00 USD free of tax