SIM Optional Feature
Build your own customized solution Your SIM will be uniquely adapted to your real needs. You don't pay for something you do not use. Everything is as simple as possible. Options are paid only once, no matter the number of workstations connected. Basic Options Each of these options can be applied to the standard SIM for $100 only. Option Description Alarms Daily alarm mail containing the list of references under minimum threshold Projects Manages the destination of each product: site, contract, location, etc... Printing A customized note can be printed for every operation Additional product fields You can add one or two columns to product description Clients Manages to whom the product goes: customer, user, department. Average prices The price of a product is calculated from all input prices Custom Specific input or output user interfaces Dates and Lots Management à Lots identifiers and products dates Location Enable to store the same reference at different places CSV Input Product moves can imported from an excel .csv file Export Specific export file format Injector Specific impport file format Impression journal Possibilité d'imprimer des extraits du journal Barcode printing Printing of barcodes with label printer of A5 sheets Barcode reading Read barcode for any operations, for any reader Login Definition of users profiles and rights Photos You can store and print a photo for each product Sous-families Definition of sub families when the nimeb rof references is large Sub-stocks When you need to separate storage location or usage SQL Standard Query Langage requestt manager for powerfulel searching and sorting Unit Definition of storage condition or Nb of articles ien a box, or units GTIN=3701250900047 100.00 USD free of tax